Map Index Logo
Transforming your business
We are in the primary business of transforming business organizations.
We have our tailored-made intervention packs designed to best suit different business groups in the industry.
Building an ecosystem
We are the strategic provider of comprehensive ecosystem for organizations.

Who we are

We are in the business of creating significant and sustainable business value for our clients through best practices.

We are an outright business transforming consulting outfit. We fit the right set of management levers to get the organization to leverage its growth strategy

Our Vision

Our vision is to transform organizations to form better businesses and perform at their best.

Our Mission

We are in the business of creating significant and sustainable business value for our clients through best practices.

Service Offerings

We are the strategic provider of comprehensive ecosystem for startups. We offer full scale stock taking of startups based on their current revenue streams, management bandwidth, customer acquisition, customer experience, marketing strategy, and market segment to business growth potential to assess the fund and project the fund deployment plan.


Startup Ventures

We are the strategic provider of comprehensive ecosystem for startups.

Family Businesses

Our interventions are intensively driven by sharp intent from both sides.


MSME Companies

We have experts from different industries to aid MSME companies.

Engagement Models

Model 1


(Build, Operate, Transfer)

Model 2


(Build, Operate, Manage)

Model 3


(Consult, Manage, Transfer)

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Project done
0 K+
Happy Customer
0 K+
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0 +
Years Experience

Bring Innovation to Your Company

We have our tailored-made intervention packs designed to best suit different business groups in the industry.

Startup Enablers

We facilitate, we mentor and we work closely with founders to grow every step of the way.

Family Businesses

We enable businesses to execute their strategy more efficiently and effectively.

MSME Enablement

The scaling up of MSMEs is the key to enhancing productivity and achieving inclusive growth.

Get a Customized proposal!

We have our tailored-made intervention packs designed to best suit different business groups in the industry.

Knowledge Repository

The Knowledge hub is designed to dwell and deliver insights on the following facets of business knowledge management.  

Map Index

Knowledge Hub is a connecting and sharing platform for enriching communication and stitching collaboration. It is the place to change hands on diverse set of ideas and exchanging knowledge, fostering the space for growing new body of knowledge.