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Startup Enablers

For Startups

India has the third largest startup ecosystem in the world. India currently has 100 plus unicorns and privately held tech companies worth at least $1 billion. According to various reports by TiE Global by 2025, India is expected to have massive number startups, including hundreds of them as unicorns. Enterprises are realizing the disruptive potential of startups and are thus, partnering and investing in those disruptive ideas. 

India has startup ecosystem in the world with several disruptive models, unique ideas and unicorn companies. However, nearly 80-90% of Indian startups fail within the first five years of their inception? This is despite the fact that several of these startups had great ideas, some were receiving good investments and presented as high-potential startups, some were backed by the who’s who of the corporate world, yet they failed and were forced to shut down.

The lack of proper ecosystem and the lack of right support are the reasons for these failed startups. The Indian startups need to leverage deep tech, top-notch tech talent and deploy their creative problem-solving skills and capitalize on several opportunities, yet to be tapped.

The digital economy is growing in India. There are more than 700 million internet users in India, and about 500 million Indians have yet to come online. The fast adoption of online services in the wake of the pandemic has been a boon to India’s startups which has spawned a new kind of startup culture. The mix of funding with the favorable business environment in India has accelerated digital transformation. The last generation Indian startups were predominately building for India; the next generations of Indian startups are going to be built from India for the world. It is such an exciting time ahead of us and the possibilities are simply boundless.

Startups often run into the same problem: where to find investors to raise capital. Not just the fund but the founders need facilitator to mentors to be with them during their setup stage to set them up for their long haul growth journey.  

We facilitate, we mentor and we work closely with founders grow every step of the way. Entrepreneurship is a tough journey to tread. We partner in travelling together with founders to make it a truly memorable journey of their lives.


For Investors

Our key investors unlock the hidden potential of startups and they invest in innovative ideas. The investors are looking for multiple things but some of things that come out strong across multiple investor portfolios are the following things;

  • An idea with a large market potential
  • An industry they are largely familiar with
  • A management team they can truly rely on
  • A company having momentum or traction
  • A business that will generate cash flow


Seeing a good return on their investment is the key. The financial projections on the startup business plan are there to give an idea of how long it will take to make a profit and get their investment back.

The most important part of the business plan is arguably the cash flow plan. The investor wants to see the business breakeven and positive cash flow.



For Enablers

Enablers are the people who help the implementers focus on implementing. The hallmark of a good enabler is that they work to make things easier for you, not harder. The best enablers will keep you in the loop and shield you from anything not related to implementing effectively. 

As startup enablers we enable the organization to execute its strategy more efficiently and effectively, aligning the company more closely with its goals and objectives.

We bring together the thread of enablers from HNIs, family offices, angel investors, venture capitalists, market makers, and change agents, growth engines, thought leaders, business leaders and leading entrepreneurs across multiple sectors not only from India but from the world over.

We enable things to happen at every stage of the startup journey. We venture in at one end of the port to sail together till we reach our destination and we are there to venture out with a golden handshake at the other end of the port.

Our goal is to create an enabling platform for market investors to explore new business opportunities and expand the existing space of collaborations to rapidly galvanize the growth of the Indian startup ecosystem.

We are constantly searching and screening ideas across different landscape of our startup ecosystem. We are connected directly with startup entrepreneurs to the multiple hubs that incubate startup ideas. We have our team spread across the length and breadth of the country. The teams are continuously meeting with founders and innovators for preparing the ground report.

We have our experts and research team working to evaluate and value the potential of these ideas. The ideas go through a rigorous process grinding before it gets the cut to get featured in our trending board.

We pick few ideas from the rich repository of ideas in our directory. We do so every month and stream it through our worldwide online channel. In this way the ideas get a much bigger canvas to showcase their potential and the opportunity to reach out the world is all-encompassing.

Managing Startup Best Practices

Founders Relationship

Most of the startups have couple of founders and everything is rosy at the ideation stage. It is exciting to be part of creating something and personalities of founders are not that pronounced but things changes as it comes to development and execution of that idea. With the product in the market and the fund infusion by investors, the equation changes and there are many colors to the relationship. Hence, it is so important to know the personalities and nurture the relationship with equanimity. Having mentors from industry or university are an important aspect of managing the relationship in a matured and nuanced manner.

Financial Discipline

There is a play of idea and there is a play of finance. The idea is put to play to get the fund into play. Before the fund everything is bootstrapped and there is a default discipline to finance management. Once the fund is in play, the discipline is put to litmus test. Many falter during the deployment of resources and suddenly the founder realize that they have exhausted the fund and they are in need for more to sustain the growth. Unless prudently managed the fund will never be sufficient, hence having a disciplined approach set before the fund gets in.

Future Planning

The idea may be exciting and the present scenes are conducive to the planned product. The business scenarios are changing rapidly and suddenly the idea may appear to lose its competitive advantage. The potential of such an idea may decline and the value may deplete. Adequate future planning with all possible scenario helps in mitigating such eventualities where the startup may not stand strong on it relevance. Though, the presence to be established in the present but the eye needs to aim into the future possibilities. The firm is the future plan; the better is the execution in the future.

Best Practices